The gall of it all

Image from Family Wellness Website
Yep, that image above is not of a flower bud but of a gallbladder and budding gallstones.  Yep, I just had surgery to take my gallbladder out.  I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that I'm gallbladder-less right now (I've come to be very protective of all my organs) but thankfully it was diagnosed and hopefully I'm back on the road to better health.  

How did this all unfold you may wonder?  Well since having two babies one right after the other, I haven't been the best at taking care of my body and what I eat.  With two young babies in tow, freelance graphic designing and also volunteering for a non-profit organization, health and nutrition took a back seat (rather way in the trunk) with all the everyday chaos.  I wasn't eating on time, not eating at all or eating too much of what I should not be eating (too much pizza, my ultimate fav food)!  I would get these pains and then attributed to just poor diet and not eating on time.

Fast forward after two separate late night visits to the hospital emergency room in less than 6 months apart after experiencing the most excruciating, agonizing and gut wrenching pain at the top center of my stomach (pain was worse than giving birth!--at least that ended with a baby, this was just pure pain) that would last hours with no letting up at all, the doctor finally had me take a blood test to see what really might be going on.  Tests showed my liver levels were sky high and that I needed to get an ultrasound to see what was causing it.    So I was admitted into the hospital that night and an ultrasound revealed I had gallstones!  The doctors wanted it out and I struggled about loosing my gallbladder but finally had the operation and am now recovering gallbladder-less.  All this in a span of what was suppose to be a nice quiet weekend!  

I won't get into details since the link will pretty much tell you everything but I will recommend to those experiencing this kind of pain to get it checked out if it happens often.  It seems it happens commonly with women and can be even more exasperated when you are in your child bearing years!  Darn hormones again!  Lastly, thank goodness for insurance since it covered most of the operation and hospital costs!!  Take care everyone and have a wonderful weekend!