Pokemon Madness - PokeBag

It's funny how everything comes back from your childhood, I think Pokemon has probably been revived 2 times in my lifetime!  Yes, I'm old!  So my son has picked up the Pokemon bug from school and so he's collecting Pokemons and his storage was a plastic ziploc so I thought why not make him a PokeBag to catch/store his Pokemons. Side note, you can get a bunch of Pokemons at Sampeng for 100 baht and I think you get about 30 in a bag.  I think they're perfect for goodie bags and the kids love them!

So I used this tutorial for the bag and used felt but decided to sew and not glue gun it since it could stand some wear and tear.  Here's the steps if you're interested in making one too!  
1 - Use a round plate as a template and cut out white and red felt.
2 - Cut 2 sets of each red and white felt.
3 - Cut black felt and also white felt for the center button piece. 
4 - Once you have all the pieces, lay them out so you know what you have to sew.
5 - Then take your 2 halves and I used a zig zag stitch to sew them together.
6 - Then sew your middle strip onto both pieces and your center circle pieces.
7 - Now add your zipper, I used pins to make it easier to sew.
8 - Sew the other side of zipper.
9 - Then open your zipper and turn inside out and sew around the half that is still open.
10 & 11 - And we finished it with a shoulder strap, as requested from my son!
Action Shot!  Now you can catch all the Pokemons!

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